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Family coaching

Family coaching is a support service for parents who want to improve their educational strategies. The therapist, challenged by family members or even advised by professionals in the network, can try to ease the tensions in the family. He can intervene with parents, children, but also with anyone who is related. In some cases, the professional may also be called upon to intervene directly with the child or teenager.

Concretely, how can I help you ?

As a parent you feel overwhelmed by how you intervene with your child or teenager;
You are eager to improve communication with your child or teenager, or you want to discuss a delicate topic with him;
You are looking for tools to optimize your interventions with your child or teen in opposition;
You are experiencing a death, moving house, etc. What seems to raise questions, family difficulties;
You are going through difficult family restructuring, such as a divorce, the arrival of a new spouse, the construction of a mixed family.

Coaching is not psychological therapy and does not aim to work in the background of the clients. It focuses on the problem that the family lives in “the here and now” and offers concrete tools to optimize a very specific situation.

Déborah Deschryver

Déborah Deschryver

Psycho-education is my basic education. I have experience working with teenagers and their families since 2008, first in a heavy psychiatric hospital (7 years), then in an institution commissioned by Youth Aid (5 years).

I am currently also a certified, family coach.

My distinct multiple curiosity for personal development, at the same time during my institutional practice, led me to place connections between psychology, the physical and the emotional.

I am passionate and trained in traditional Eastern techniques and these are an integral part of my care approach. The psycho-emotional and psychosomatic dimensions can therefore sometimes emerge during the sessions.

I can receive you in French, Dutch and English.

This service also helps with :

Helps the teenager who challenges the educational and relational model of the family;
Helps the child or teenager who is having difficulties controlling their emotions (frustration, anger, etc.) experiencing difficult events (romantic breakdown, problems related to education, their relationship with those around them, identity crisis, etc. .);
∞ Help the child or teenager build self-esteem;
Help structure the teenager who is looking for a project or quits school.

The sessions only take place on your own will, this impulse that makes you want to find harmony and push the door to work together on it, for improvement. It is important that the urge to seek help is felt and experienced by the participants, without limitation, in which case resistance can inevitably be a source of failure.

Let’s keep in touch


+32 473 62 46 30



  • Square Docteur Jean Joly, 7            1040 Etterbeek
  • Avenue Brugmann, 425 d                1180 Uccle


The sessions last between 1h15 and 1h30. The price per session is 60€.

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